
's previewer supports the color \special commands used by dvips and generated by LATEX's color package. The hyper.tex file in LaTeX-docs shows how the color package can be used. For more details, LATEX users should read :TeX-inputs:Graphics:grfguide.tex and Plain TEX users should read the final section in the dvips manual. If your DVI file uses color \specials then you should enable the ``Prescan color \specials'' option in the view dialog. Prescanning might be needed because allows you to jump to any page, but there might be a \special on an earlier page that sets the text color (or the background) for all future pages. The prescan option tells to do a quick scan of \specials on all earlier (unseen) pages to make sure that the colors on the current page are correct. Although this scan is quite fast — a mid-range Mac takes about 2 seconds to scan 50 pages — it is still slow enough that you should keep the prescan option disabled if you never use color. remembers the state of the prescan option. When sees a page for the first time, the color \specials on that page are remembered. As more pages are seen, the prescan will take less time. In fact, if you preview pages 1, 2, 3, etc., the prescan isn't done at all. NOTE: The color \specials are not yet supported for QuickDraw printers; that will have to wait until I buy a color printer.